Monday, March 15, 2010

Return of the English Muffin

The people have spoken and they want their English muffin back!

La Grande Orange has one of the best az burger in town, the green chile burger.

It was sandwiched by a unique homemade English muffin bun, but recently they replaced it with a squishy supermarket-quality bun that fell apart after two bites. Despite the substitution, the price of the burger remained $12. Not a cool phoenix restaurant az thing to do.

Bob Lynn, LGO founder and president, said that many guests preferred the new bun to the English muffin.

But now it looks like everyone is going to be happy. That's because Allison Shashok, LGO hospitality's company projects director, has announced that, "We've decided to re-list the English muffin as a burger option on the menu."

That means you can have the burger your way, with muffin or bun. What a good idea.

Just goes to show you if you shout loud enough, phoenix restaurants az will give you what you want.

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